Tips&TricksCombating mold in your washing machine: Essential tips and tricks

Combating mold in your washing machine: Essential tips and tricks

If you neglect to clean your washing machine regularly, mold will eventually appear. At first, you might not notice it because it often develops in hard-to-reach places, such as the drum seal. However, when you notice an unpleasant smell, it's a sign that the problem has already escalated. Instead of hoping for a miracle, take action immediately as soon as you notice mold. Here’s what you can do to tackle this issue effectively.

Mold in the washing machine develops, among other places, under the drum seal. Photo:
Mold in the washing machine develops, among other places, under the drum seal. Photo:

Using a washing machine with mold is harmful to your health. Don't delay taking action when you see black spots on any part of the washing machine or notice a musty smell coming from the drum. A few simple home remedies help you get rid of the mold.

Where does mold in a washing machine come from?

Mold in a washing machine, for example under the seal, usually forms due to a lack of proper maintenance. Many people make the mistake of thinking that since a washing machine is used to clean clothes (just like a dishwasher is used to clean dishes), it doesn't need cleaning. Unfortunately, this approach encourages the growth of bacteria and mold.

Remember that various contaminants end up in the washing machine, such as mud, food residues, and sweat. During washing, these contaminants are rinsed from the fabrics but do not magically disappear; they end up in the pipes and then into the sewage system. Along the way, some bacteria settle on the washing machine parts. Regular maintenance of the unit is crucial to prevent the growth of bacteria and mold.

Mould in the washing machine is usually the result of poor hygiene. Photo: Freepik
Mould in the washing machine is usually the result of poor hygiene. Photo: Freepik

What is the solution for mold in a washing machine?

The seal is one of the places in a washing machine where mold can appear. After washing, water residues mixed with detergents and dirt from the clothes accumulate there. If you don't dry it after each use and don't clean it regularly, mold and a musty smell will quickly appear.

To solve these problems, use strong agents. Soak a paper towel with bleach and place it under the seal, leaving it for a few hours. Afterward, remove the towel and wipe the rubber with a clean cloth. After cleaning, leave the washing machine door open to allow the seal to dry.

Mould developing in the washing machine can be removed with home methods. Photo: Freepik
Mould developing in the washing machine can be removed with home methods. Photo: Freepik

How to take care of your washing machine?

The principle of prevention rather than treatment applies to washing machines, too. To avoid mold problems, take care of your washing machine daily. After each wash, leave the door open so the inside of the unit can dry. You can also wipe the seal with a dry cloth.

Also, regularly clean all parts of the washing machine: the drum, detergent drawer, and filter. You can use store-bought chemical agents or tried-and-tested home remedies. Vinegar is excellent for cleaning the detergent drawer and filter, while dishwasher tablets are suitable for washing the drum. Regularly using these methods will ensure that mold never settles in your washing machine again. This way, you will maintain hygiene and extend the unit's life.

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