FoodCottage cheese elevates the classic cucumber salad

Cottage cheese elevates the classic cucumber salad

Are you looking for a new twist on cucumber salad? I recently found myself in that position. Today, I'm sharing a cucumber salad with a unique addition—cottage cheese. It turns out delicious, and there are plenty of benefits to it as well.

Cucumber salad with cottage cheese? Delicious!
Cucumber salad with cottage cheese? Delicious!
Images source: © Adobe Stock | Longfin Media

We all appreciate cucumber salad, and when it's scorching hot outside in the summer, this appreciation only deepens. Chilling the cucumber salad in the fridge is satisfying, but the ingredients are key. I decided to switch up the traditional ingredients a bit and don't regret it.

If you were to visit three randomly chosen Polish households, you'd find that cucumber salad — though a classic dish — tastes a little different everywhere. Some prefer it sweet, others salty. Some add chopped onions, while others omit them entirely. Cucumbers are grated or sliced, with skins either left on or removed. Dill is often sprinkled over the salad, but even that can vary.

It's no surprise that cucumber salad has many variations. Some people even skip sour cream altogether and use vinegar instead. At my home, however, the idea of cucumber salad without sour cream is unheard of. Nevertheless, I decided to replace sour cream with another ingredient: cottage cheese. This healthy product, full of protein, calcium, iron, and vitamins, has been my favourite addition to various dishes for a while. It tastes great in an omelet (combined with eggs), and cucumber salad with cottage cheese is truly a masterpiece. Try it for yourself!

Cucumber salad with cottage cheese


  • 1 pound cucumbers
  • 5 ounces cottage cheese
  • salt, pepper
  • dill
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Mizerię można przygotować na wiele różnych sposobów© Canva


  1. Peel, wash, and slice the cucumbers into thin slices. Transfer them to a bowl, sprinkle with salt, and set aside for 15 minutes.
  2. After that time, drain the excess water from the cucumbers. Add the cottage cheese and finely chopped dill. Season to taste with salt and pepper. You can also use sugar! Place in the fridge for a quarter of an hour and it's ready. Enjoy!

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