EntertainmentCraze for giant Belgian hare takes over social media

Craze for giant Belgian hare takes over social media

The trend for specific pets affects different species. Currently, there is a craze on social media for Belgian rabbits, the largest breed among lagomorphs. What drives their popularity?

Giant rabbits are taking over TikTok
Giant rabbits are taking over TikTok
Images source: © Canva | Canva

Dogs, cats, rodents, lagomorphs, reptiles, birds, or fish—every child eventually wants their own pet. Sometimes parents opt for hamsters, which some critics believe help children cope with the concept of death. Others purchase aquariums full of colourful fish because they don't require walks or excessive care. The more daring go for a snake, lizard, or turtle, while traditionalists invite a cat or dog into their homes. The latest trend among pet owners is rabbits, specifically Belgian rabbits. Their size can be astonishing.

Are Belgian rabbits better than dogs?

Belgian rabbits, also known as Flemish Giants or Belgians, were bred in Belgium in the 19th century. Flemish Giants can weigh up to 10 kilograms, making them the heaviest rabbit breed. Their weight is comparable to that of French Bulldogs or Scottish Terriers. Belgians' body length can reach up to 80 centimetres. Although Belgian rabbits are primarily bred for meat and fur, their dignified appearance and gentle temperament often make them a popular choice as pets, replacing lawnmowers and guard dogs.

Due to their unusual size, Belgian rabbits have become something of a phenomenon on social media. Owners proudly showcase their giants on TikTok, showing their development over time—from a small rabbit that fits in the hand to a giant that is hard to hold with both hands. Natalya Nychxlle was the first to share her rabbit. Her video, where she claimed to want a small pet but received a rabbit the size of a dog, has been viewed over 25.6 million times. Owners of Flemish Giants use the opportunity to educate about the needs of their pets.

The popularity of Belgian rabbits can be attributed to their impressive size and gentle dispositions. Their presence on social media platforms like TikTok has only fueled this craze. As more people showcase their Belgian rabbits, it's clear that these gentle giants have captured the hearts of many pet enthusiasts.

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