LifestyleDaily baths unnecessary, experts reveal overlooked hygiene areas

Daily baths unnecessary, experts reveal overlooked hygiene areas

Most people believe that daily hygiene is an essential part of their routine. However, not every part of our body requires washing every day, and some parts are often overlooked.

How often should we bathe?
How often should we bathe?
Images source: © Adobe Stock | NagaetsAlex

Personal hygiene is a key element of health care, and it seems that everyone knows how often and thoroughly one should wash. But is that really true? There are still some ambiguities and neglect in this matter. Frequent recommendations for daily full-body baths can be misleading, and some body parts are regularly overlooked during washing, which can lead to unpleasant consequences.

According to data from an article on the Bright Side portal, daily baths are not the best for our bodies. The authors of the text published on a foreign site claim that only some body parts require regular care and washing, while others can come into contact with water a few times a week.

How often should you bathe?

Is a bath every day essential? Researchers think not necessarily. Many people do not need to wash their hair every day, and although the feeling of freshness after this activity is very pleasant, the type of hair determines the frequency of washing.

People with thin and delicate hair that tends to get greasy should wash their hair daily to avoid it looking flat and forming "strands." Meanwhile, people with curly and dry hair can wash it less frequently.

Bright Side also points out that a daily shower is not necessary. Although it is extremely relaxing after a hard and long day, hot baths that are too frequent can lead to irritation and drying of the skin. Most people should take a shower three times a week.

Body parts we wash too rarely

Certain body parts are often overlooked, even if we bathe daily—feet. Many think standing in the shower is enough to wash them, which is a misconception. The feet should be cleaned daily with warm water and soap to prevent cracked heels and calluses.

Another rarely washed body part is the tongue. Although many know the need to brush our teeth and gums daily, few remember the tongue. Bright Side emphasizes that the tongue has many papillae where bacteria accumulate, leading to bad breath.

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