NewsDaring daylight escape: A Marseille drug dealer freed by his fellow gang

Daring daylight escape: A Marseille drug dealer freed by his fellow gang

Masked and armed with machine guns, criminals freed Mohamed Amra from a prison convoy on May 14. The man known in the underworld as "Mucha" and his associates are now being searched for by police throughout France. The man is said to be connected to a drug gang in Marseille.

Manhunt in France. Who is the freed bandit Mohamed Arma?
Manhunt in France. Who is the freed bandit Mohamed Arma?
Images source: © Getty Images
Bartłomiej Nowak

The attack on the convoy, which was transporting Mohamed Amra, took place in broad daylight on the outskirts of Rouen (northern France). As a result of the shootout, three convoy guards were killed, and four people were injured.

The prisoner freed by the gangsters is a drug dealer – known in the underworld as "Mucha". The 30-year-old was convicted on May 10 for burglary. The Prosecutor's Office in Marseille has also charged him with kidnapping, which ended in the death of the victim.

Amra was not a "closely watched inmate" – stated prosecutor Laura Beccuau. Nonetheless, he was being escorted by five officers.

Amra had tried to escape before

"Mucha's" lawyer, Hugues Vigier, told French media that his client made his first escape attempt over the weekend. He cut through the bars in his cell. However, he was caught. The lawyer also stated that he is shocked by the "unforgivable" and "crazy" violence of his client.

”Mucha's" criminal past

The runaway's mother also spoke to the media. She described her son's life as continuous encounters with justice. According to her knowledge, there was no indication that he would try to escape. The woman visited her son in several prisons. She couldn't believe it when she heard about the shooting.

I broke down, I cried, she said on RTL television.

According to journalists from BFM TV, the 30-year-old already has 13 criminal sentences, primarily for minor offences, including driving without a license, theft, and failing to stop for the police.

The gangster's "career"

His latest activities and possible involvement in the kidnapping and death of a man from Dreux near Rouen suggest that "Mucha" has turned from a ruffian into a real bandit. The police and prosecutor's office linked the kidnapping with drug trafficking in Marseille. Therefore, they believe that Mohamed Arma has connections with the French criminal world. The compelling evidence is the bloody operation to free him from the prison convoy.

According to police statistics, last year alone in Marseille, 50 people were killed in shootings related to drugs.

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