LifestyleDead aloes mistaken for aliens spark online intrigue

Dead aloes mistaken for aliens spark online intrigue

From time to time, photos appear on the internet that strongly capture the imagination of users. A similar scenario unfolded with the photograph we're discussing. Some internet users believe it shows "aliens" on the South African coast. However, these "creatures" are completely harmless and decidedly not from outer space. We are eager to clarify.

These photos caused quite a stir.
These photos caused quite a stir.
Images source: © Instagram | Jan Vorster
Norbert Garbarek

Photographer Jan Vorster, after sharing photos from the South African coast, received numerous inquiries about the safety of the area. Many were convinced that the images truly presented aliens. The reality, however, was quite different.

Creatures not to be afraid of

The photos depict nothing more than dead aloes (Aloe ferox, also known as bitter aloe). Vorster noticed these unusual forms while walking on the beach in the Western Cape province. Aloe is a tree species native to southern Africa. It is also found in the United States, where it is grown as an ornamental plant. Bitter aloe is also cultivated for medicinal purposes, as its gel has numerous healing properties.

After posting them on Facebook, the photos quickly gained popularity in several local groups. Some people were convinced the photos showed sea spiders, and others even warned about aliens.

Vorster was genuinely surprised by people's reactions. He never expected anyone to actually believe his photos depicted beings from other planets. To him, it was merely an intriguing observation. Concerned internet users asked if it was safe to be in the water and if what was seen in the photos appeared on the beach only at night.

Vorster did not foresee the photos causing such a buzz. He used a digital Nikon D7100 camera with an 18-140 mm lens to capture them.

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