Dental robots reshape future of oral healthcare
The development of technology and artificial intelligence surpasses human understanding. Operations performed by robots may soon become our everyday reality. One of them has independently performed a dental procedure on a patient. What's more, it did it much faster than a human could.
We live in a time when we can observe the development of technology with our own eyes. Practically every day, we learn about machines controlled by artificial intelligence that help people in their everyday work. Robots are eagerly used in medicine due to their precision compared to humans. Additionally, they often see much more than human eyes. That’s why hospitals and clinics use artificial intelligence and machines.
It can be clearly stated that the history of dentistry is happening before our eyes. The manufacturers of the Boston-based company Perceptive have created a dental robot that has already performed its first procedure on a human patient. Doctors claim this machine could be a breakthrough. It turns out that the artificial intelligence did a great job. It performed its work quickly, precisely, and, most importantly, painlessly.
The dental robot performed its first procedure on a human
Most people do not like going to the dentist. These visits are often associated with discomfort, an unpleasant atmosphere, and, worst of all, unimaginable pain. That’s why many of us feel stress and stomach aches when thinking about visiting the dentist. This may soon change, thanks to the dental robot created by Perceptive. The machine performs procedures much faster than a human and does so painlessly. Its first contact with a human was successful.
We are excited about the successful completion of the world’s first fully automated dental procedure using a robot. This breakthrough in medicine increases the precision and efficiency of dental procedures and democratizes access to better dental care, improving patient comfort and clinical outcomes, said Dr. Chris Ciriello, CEO and founder of Perceptive, in an interview with the media.
The employees of the aforementioned company believe that the dental robot will forever change dentistry. They think that every patient using its services will be satisfied. They will forget about discomfort and pain, and visits to the doctor will finally be associated with pleasant experiences. However, as we read on, the Perceptive robot has not yet been approved by the American Food and Drug Administration, which suggests that the vision of robots broadly drilling in our teeth is still quite distant.