TechDiscover hidden washing machine features for more leisurely laundry days

Discover hidden washing machine features for more leisurely laundry days

In today's world, it's hard to imagine daily life without a washing machine, which has become a necessary element of every household. However, few people realize that modern washing machines hide many unexpected functions. Discover one of these functions and see how it can make your daily chores easier!

The woman wants to emergency open the washing machine door.
The woman wants to emergency open the washing machine door.
Images source: © Licensor | Genialne

We no longer need to use basins or washboards for laundry. Contemporary washing machines, once a luxury, are now an indispensable part of every home. The market offers a wide range of washing machine models with various life-easing functions. Even so, even if you use a washing machine every day, there might be something you don't know about it—a hidden function worth discovering.

Hidden function of the washing machine

Most modern washing machines have a special mode that allows you to interrupt the washing cycle, for instance, by adding previously forgotten clothing items. Unfortunately, older models typically do not have such conveniences. But that doesn't mean they're completely useless! According to an article on the portal, a popular TikToker who runs a cleaning-themed account under the name @jeeves_ny has discovered a way to utilize a hidden function of the washing machine, which could be helpful in emergencies.

If you have an older model washing machine and need to interrupt the washing cycle suddenly, find a small opening near the filter. Then, gently insert a flat object and slide the latch to the left. This simple method will immediately open the drum door. However, remember to use this technique only in exceptional situations, such as accidentally putting something valuable into the washing machine. Otherwise, you might damage the appliance.

If you open the washing machine door this way, remember to protect the floor. It's best to lay down towels or absorbent cloths to prevent flooding.

How to dry laundry in the washing machine?

Emergency door opening is not the only hidden function of washing machines. If you want to make laundry and drying easier, it's worth knowing that many washing machines have a drying function. Just remove the clothes after washing, wrap them in a large, clean towel, and place them back in the empty drum. Then, start the spin cycle. The higher the spin speed, the better the drying results. However, always check the care labels on clothes to avoid damaging them.

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