NewsDurian: The world's most expensive and controversial delicacy

Durian: The world's most expensive and controversial delicacy

The world's most expensive fruit has been proclaimed as durian. Its price reached CAD 67,000 at an auction.

Durian - the most expensive fruit in the world
Durian - the most expensive fruit in the world
Images source: © Getty Images | Bloomberg
Katarzyna Bogdańska

The most expensive fruit in the world

Durian is considered the most expensive fruit in the world. In 2019, it sold for CAD 67,000 at an auction.

The fruit is as big as a watermelon and weighs 2 to 4 kilograms. It is trendy in Asia, where it grows on evergreen trees. Its odour can cause nausea.

The smell of durian

This fruit's aroma is repulsive, even stinking, resembling a mix of spoiled fish, dirty streets, and old eggs. For this reason, durian is banned in many places, even in Asia, where it is a delicacy. The intense smell of this fruit can cause issues on aeroplanes, public transport, or hotels.

The source of the odour

The aroma of durian is composed of various sulfur compounds in its flesh, released when the fruit is cut or damaged. About 40 sulfur compounds have been identified in durian, the most prominent being hydrogen sulfide, giving it the smell of rotten eggs. The smell also contains garlic, leek, milk, and cheese notes.

This unusual combination for fruit can be detected from distances of several hundred metres, which is why Asian shopping centres and hotels often have signs prohibiting the fruit from being brought inside.

High price

Despite its repulsive smell, many people are eager to taste durian. In Thailand, the world's most expensive fruit costs approximately 459 Thai Baht at a market, which converts to about CAD 16,90 per kilogram. The price of durian varies depending on the region, and in some places where it is more readily available, it can be bought for the equivalent of a few dollars.

Unique taste

Only 11 of the dozens of durian species are edible, and on the international market, we mainly encounter the Durio zibethinus variety. Interest in this fruit can reach absurd levels. In 2019, a single fruit was sold for CAD 67,000.

Extraordinary composition

How does this smelly fruit taste? Once you get past the skin, durian contains flesh with a consistency similar to that of banana or avocado. The taste is slightly tart and fruity, combining hints of almonds, caramel, turpentine, and onion.

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