LifestyleEco-friendly ways to keep your cutting board bacteria-free

Eco‑friendly ways to keep your cutting board bacteria-free

Each kitchen has this indispensable product, but not everyone knows how to keep it clean properly. Proper cleaning is crucial to prevent the dangerous development of bacteria. Discover easy and inexpensive methods for effectively cleaning and disinfecting a cutting board.

Proper cleaning of a cutting board is not such an obvious task.
Proper cleaning of a cutting board is not such an obvious task.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

The cutting board is an essential element of every kitchen. Although we use it multiple times every day, we rarely realize how important its proper cleaning is. It turns out to be a potential breeding ground for bacteria.

It's worth taking care of the cleanliness of your cutting board

To ensure hygiene in every home, it's extremely important to wash the board thoroughly and immediately after every use. Otherwise, it becomes a source of harmful microorganisms and rapidly spreading bacteria. Preparing subsequent meals on an inadequately washed board can have consequences for the rest of the household.

How can you effectively clean a cutting board? There are various methods. A damp board can be treated with strong detergents available at any store, but a more beneficial solution would be inexpensive, effective, and eco-friendly antibacterial agents. You can easily find these at home.

Home remedies worth trying

A simple mixture can also help with bacteria on the board. Mix 125 millilitres of vinegar with the same amount of water. Wipe the board's surface with the solution, then rinse thoroughly with running water. If there's an unpleasant smell, add lemon juice to the mixture.

Citric acid, salt, and baking soda are also effective for disinfecting and cleaning a cutting board. Apply a little of any of these substances to the soiled surface and gently rub it with a dish sponge or a soft cloth. All dirt and germs should disappear quickly.

Ensure that while cleaning your board daily, you don't forget about hand protection. Remember to wear gloves to protect your skin from irritation and premature aging. This is particularly important when using strong detergents and cleaning products.

It's also important to remember not to leave a wooden cutting board in water for extended periods during cleaning. Once soaked, this kitchen accessory will swell and lose its properties. We should not place the board in the dishwasher either.

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