TechEgyptian method offers cool sleep relief during tropical nights

Egyptian method offers cool sleep relief during tropical nights

Hot days bring even warmer nights, and the quality of sleep in such conditions significantly drops. As a result, we feel tired and fatigued. The Egyptian method of dealing with heat may prove to be a solution to these problems, and all you need to apply it is one thing that will allow you to sleep without air conditioning.

The Egyptian method for dealing with heat will help you sleep. Photo: Freepik
The Egyptian method for dealing with heat will help you sleep. Photo: Freepik

In the summer, sleep can be problematic due to so-called tropical nights when the temperature exceeds 20 degrees Celsius. In such conditions, difficulty falling asleep is the norm, and when we do fall asleep, the sleep is shallow and interrupted. So how can we ensure better rest? A great solution could be the Egyptian method for the heat.

What is the Egyptian method for heat?

There are no better experts in dealing with heat than the residents of countries where high temperatures are a daily occurrence. Egyptians, forced to live in such conditions for most of the year, have developed many practical ways to function better.

One of them allows for calm and cool sleep on hot nights. Just swap your duvet for a thin sheet and gently moisten it with water. You can use a spray bottle or soak the material in a bowl and thoroughly wring out the excess water. The damp material effectively cools the skin.

How else can you cool down on a hot night?

If the Egyptian method with a damp sheet is not for you, other ways exist to help you cool down at night.

Hang damp towels in the window. This will cool the room's interior.

Thoroughly ventilate your bedroom in the evening. You can also sleep with the window open.

Sleep naked or in light, natural fabric pajamas that allow air to pass through.

Move your mattress to the floor, where it is usually cooler.

Sleep on your side so that less body surface is in contact with the mattress, which prevents overheating of the body, especially the lower back and forehead.

Regardless of the season and temperature, it's worth following certain rules to improve sleep quality. The bedroom must be used exclusively for nighttime rest; avoid watching TV or reading books in there. Keep the bed neatly made at all times. Before sleeping, avoid using a cell phone and computer and refrain from entertainment that may stimulate you, such as watching horror movies. Going to bed and waking up at the same time regularly is also of great importance for sleep quality.

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