Elena's stunning transformation silences cruel wedding critics
Almost every girl in childhood wore a white dress, put on a flower wreath, and pretended to get married in front of the mirror. When that special day finally arrived, she felt like an actual princess, just as in her childhood dreams. Unfortunately, one girl, Elena, was not so lucky. After posting her wedding ceremony photo online, she was labelled "the ugliest bride in the world." What does she look like now?
Like many other couples, Elena and Boris posted their wedding photo online. They didn't expect such a negative reaction from netizens, who flooded their post with comments expressing a lack of empathy, tolerance, and sensitivity.
Elena, reading about herself as "the ugliest bride in the world," fell into depression. Although she briefly considered separating from her husband, they ultimately stayed together. Boris stated that the opinions of strangers were meaningless to him and that their love was the most important thing.
What's up with the couple after more than 13 years?
Elena and Boris are still married. A journalist from abroad, interested in how the couple is doing, was shocked to see Elena after a colossal transformation.
The man definitely could not recognize her. Elena now has a child, regularly exercises, and follows a strict diet. Besides that, she has undergone numerous plastic surgeries.
There's no trace of "the ugliest bride in the world." Currently, Elena is a beautiful, slender blonde with long, thick hair and full lips.
Elena undoubtedly benefits from the help of a stylist and a professional makeup artist. She wears high heels every day, which highlight her shapely legs.
Is Elena's transformation a result of the suffering she endured after being labeled "the ugliest bride in the world?"