LifestyleFreeze your tights: A smart fix to prevent snags and ladders

Freeze your tights: A smart fix to prevent snags and ladders

Ladders in tights can occur at the most unexpected moments, ruining even the most carefully planned outfit. How can you prevent this fashion mishap? Try this trick.

How to extend the lifespan of tights?
How to extend the lifespan of tights?
Images source: © Getty Images | Motortion

The appearance of a ladder in tights is a common problem, especially when we want to look flawless. Why are these delicate wardrobe items so prone to damage, and how can we prevent this so we don't have to replace them constantly? Try this method.

Why do ladders appear in tights?

Tights are made from thin, stretchy materials like nylon. Although this synthetic material is quite elastic, it is also prone to damage. Many daily activities can lead to snagging. Tights can sometimes catch on jewellery, furniture edges, or even our own nails. What can be done to strengthen tights?

How to prevent ladders in tights?

Several effective methods can help extend the lifespan of tights and avoid ladders. A popular method to strengthen tights is to put them in the freezer overnight before the first use. The cold makes the nylon fibres more tension-resistant, reducing the risk of ladders.

Another way to strengthen tights after putting them on is to spray them with hairspray.

To avoid damage when putting them on, it's advisable to remove any jewellery that the tights could catch on. It's also wise to maintain a manicure and pedicure — with well-filed nails, you can avoid damaging your tights.

Taking care of tights also plays a vital role in extending their durability. It's best to hand wash them, and if you use a washing machine, use special protective bags. Drying should be done in a way that does not damage the material. It's best to avoid drying on a radiator or in a dryer – it's better to dry them flat to prevent ladders and wrinkles.

What should you do if you notice a ladder in tights? One of the most well-known tricks is to use clear nail polish. Simply apply it to the edges of the ladder, which will prevent further unravelling of the material. It's a simple and quick method that often comes in handy in emergencies.

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