Tips&TricksFrom Omega-3s to parasites: Navigating the health waters of fish consumption

From Omega-3s to parasites: Navigating the health waters of fish consumption

According to the recommendations of the World Health Organization, fish should be included in our diet at least three times a week. Praised for their high protein and valuable omega fatty acid content, fish offer numerous health benefits. However, it's crucial to be aware of potential dangers lurking within, such as harmful parasites.

From Omega-3s to parasites: Navigating the health waters of fish consumption
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Despite often being underrated, fish provide readily digestible protein, essential vitamins, and omega-3 fatty acids, including DHA and EPA. These nutrients are vital for the well-being of our nervous and immune systems and are predominantly found in fatty fish like mackerel and salmon.

Living far from the ocean doesn't mean missing out on delicious fish. Many supermarkets stock a variety of nutritious marine and oceanic fish. However, it is essential to be informed before making a purchase. Certain fish may harbour parasites that pose health risks.

Types of Parasites in Fish

Fish dishes are universally delightful whether baked, fried, stewed, smoked, or raw. Yet, consuming raw or inadequately prepared fish can expose you to diphyllobothriasis. This condition, provoked by tapeworm infection, may lead to severe abdominal pain, diarrhea, vomiting, and, in severe cases, vitamin B absorption issues, with tapeworms growing up to 33 feet long. Opisthorchiasis, caused by the cat's fluke, anisakids, and roundworms that severely damage the gastrointestinal tract, poses significant threats.

What Parasites are Hiding in Fish?

To prevent parasite infections, ensure fish are thoroughly cooked to at least 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius). The fish's origin is pivotal—the most notorious parasites are found in fish from Scandinavia, Japan, the Netherlands, and the Pacific coasts.
To minimize risk, it is advisable to avoid consuming raw fish species such as wild sea bass, Atlantic gizzard shad, shark, mackerel, swordfish, amberjack, bluefin tuna, red snapper, herring, cod, orange roughy, sablefish, and turbot.

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