FoodFrom pot to plate: The simple joy of growing bay leaves at home

From pot to plate: The simple joy of growing bay leaves at home

The bay tree, also known as noble laurel, is a dream for many chefs. After all, bay leaves often appear in many recipes, and it is thanks to them that soups, sauces, and roasts achieve a much better and more pronounced flavor. How can one cultivate the plant in an apartment?

How to cultivate a laurel tree?
How to cultivate a laurel tree?
Images source: © Getty Images | Hana Richterova

Dried bay leaves can be found in every grocery store. They are used as a spice to cook soups, make sauces, or roast. The intense scent of bay leaves gives dishes a distinctive flavour.

Growing this aromatic plant is not complicated and can bring a lot of satisfaction. What should you know before deciding to cultivate noble laurel?

How to cultivate a bay tree?

The bay tree, or noble laurel, thrives in the countries around the Mediterranean. If you decide to cultivate it elsewhere, focusing on pot cultivation is advisable. This plant does not fare well in low temperatures, so it might not survive outside during the winter. In spring and summer, you can place the pot with laurel on a balcony or terrace, and then move it indoors during fall and winter.

Noble laurel has versatile uses — ranging from cuisine to cosmetics and medicine. Although it can reach impressive heights of up to about 8 meters (26 feet) in nature, in pot cultivation it usually does not grow taller than 1.5 meters (5 feet). Its characteristic, shiny leaves owe their aroma to essential oils. With the right cultivation conditions, you'll enjoy a beautiful and healthy bay tree and its leaves, which you can later use in your cooking.

Care for the bay tree

The bay tree thrives best in a sunny, wind-protected spot, with fertile and well-drained soil. Interestingly, the pot should not be too large, as the plant prefers slightly "tight" conditions. Regular pruning from April to August encourages laurel to produce new shoots and leaves.

Proper watering is crucial for the health of the bay tree. Water moderately in spring and summer to ensure the soil doesn't dry out, while in fall and winter, reduce the watering. Daily misting helps maintain the appropriate air humidity for the plant. Until mid-August, feed the tree with a multi-component fertilizer every two weeks. Also, remember to remove drying leaves regularly.

Harvesting leaves from noble laurel

Noble laurel tolerates pruning well, which is best done regularly, but moderately, from April to August (Eastern Time). The clipped leaves can successfully be used in the kitchen. Pruning allows for shaping the plant, for example into a ball shape, and without it, the plant might develop an unsightly appearance.

It's important to note that in home conditions, laurel grows slowly for the first two years, and then the growth pace picks up significantly. This gives ample time to shape the plant and collect leaves for seasoning dishes.

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