FoodGinger water: Your go-to remedy for holiday overeating

Ginger water: Your go‑to remedy for holiday overeating

This is an invaluable drink after Christmas Eve, but it's worth reaching for it all year round. You can prepare it for next to nothing, and your body will quickly thank you. Ginger water should become a permanent part of your menu.

Choose this drink during the Holidays
Choose this drink during the Holidays
Images source: © Adobe Stock

There is much to write about the health benefits of ginger. This unassuming root hides a whole range of nutrients and compounds that positively affect health. A glass of ginger infusion can bring relief, especially after a hearty Christmas Eve dinner. Of course, to prevent stomach issues, it's best to simply practice moderation. However, this isn't always easy during the holidays. When you overindulge in pierogis and poppy-seed cake, go for ginger water.

A homemade way to soothe the intestines

The holidays are a time for family gatherings, delicious dishes, and joyful atmosphere. Unfortunately, ample Christmas Eve feasts often lead to feelings of heaviness, bloating, and heartburn. Instead of reaching for medications, it's worth knowing natural ways to alleviate discomfort. Enter an indispensable ingredient of winter teas - ginger.

Ginger stimulates the secretion of digestive juices, facilitating the breakdown of food and preventing a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. It also has a relaxing effect, reducing the tension of the smooth muscles of the digestive tract, thus easing painful bloating. Active substances in ginger have antiemetic properties, which are particularly useful in cases of nausea after overeating.

Ginger - Delicacies
Ginger - Delicacies© Pixabay | gate74

Ginger water

Ginger can be added to various dishes, tossed into tea, or prepared as ginger water. Drinking it after a hearty Christmas Eve dinner can help prevent unpleasant digestive issues. It will soothe the intestines, support their function, and taste quite good.


Ginger water is a blessing during the holidays.
Ginger water is a blessing during the holidays.© Adobe Stock
  • a piece of fresh ginger,
  • about 1.5 litres of water,
  • lemon juice,
  • honey (optional).

How to prepare:

  1. Peel the ginger and slice it. Adjust the amount to your preferences. The more you add, the spicier the drink will be.
  2. Boil the water in a pot, add the ginger, and simmer the mixture for about 10-15 minutes.
  3. Remove the pot from the heat and let it cool down slightly.
  4. Add lemon juice and, optionally, a bit of honey to sweeten the drink.

Drink this infusion before breakfast or after dinner to support intestinal function. You can drink it warm or cold. Enjoy!

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