EntertainmentGoogle hides 'Squid Game' surprise in search for fans

Google hides 'Squid Game' surprise in search for fans

If you're a fan of the show "Squid Game," whose second season premiered on Netflix on Thursday, December 26, you must visit Google Search. The search giant has prepared a surprise for anyone who searches for the term "Squid Game."

Still from the series "Squid Game"
Still from the series "Squid Game"
Images source: © East News | Netflix, Everett Collection
Norbert Garbarek

Google is known for its creative approach to information searching, often adding amusing surprises inspired by pop culture to its search engine. This time, to celebrate the second season premiere of Squid Game on Netflix, Google has created a mini version of the "Red Light, Green Light" game. To start this mini-game, type "Squid Game" into the Google search bar and open the small invitation at the bottom of the screen.

"Red Light, Green Light" game in the search engine

Type "Squid Game" in the Google search bar, and the iconic invitation card from the show will appear at the bottom of the screen. After clicking it, you'll be transported to a scene from the series where you must guide six participants across the finish line, avoiding the gaze of the Young-Hee doll.

The game requires quick responses to the doll's musical signals using the O and X buttons. If you make a mistake, your character disappears without dramatic consequences. The screen will be filled with confetti if you get at least one "Squid Game" participant across the finish line. Just remember that the Young-Hee doll turns towards the participants in a changed tempo.

Playable on phone and computer

You can enjoy the new mini-game offered by Google on both computers and phones. The only steps needed to play this game are typing the show's title in the search engine and clicking the invitation, which appears as a small brown card at the bottom of the screen.

It's worth noting that the mini-game prepared for the recent second season premiere of "Squid Game" on Netflix is not the first surprise of this kind from Google. The search giant has frequently offered similar attractions during important events, such as a mini-game for the World Cup in Qatar 2022. You can also play the popular game from 1980 anytime by typing "pac man" into Google.

Mini-game from the series "Squid Game" on Google
Mini-game from the series "Squid Game" on Google© Google | Norbert Garbarek

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