FoodGrandma's pancakes: Reviving a retro breakfast classic

Grandma's pancakes: Reviving a retro breakfast classic

Now, there are many more dairy products, but this was the basic choice in our grandmother's times. They served it with potatoes and also added it to various dishes. My family has made delicious pancakes using sour milk for generations. Now is a great time for them because they go well with seasonal fruits, especially strawberries or raspberries.

These pancakes are very fluffy!
These pancakes are very fluffy!
Images source: © Adobe Stock

A warm breakfast is always a good start to the day. Children love pancakes, but there is really no age limit. Everyone enjoys them both warm and cold.

a retro-style delicacy

Sour milk has been associated with carefree vacations for years. It was served at dinner and paired perfectly with young potatoes with dill. Additionally, it had a cooling effect, so it was perfect during hot weather. Our grandmothers made this drink at home. Nowadays, it is less commonly made. Fresh milk "straight from the cow" is needed for it; UHT milk isn't suitable. However, you can easily buy sour milk in the store. Sometimes, though, it gets lost on the shelf amidst other dairy products. Recently, it has lost much of its popularity, and we more often reach for kefir, yogurt, or buttermilk.

improves digestion

The composition of sour milk should only include milk and live bacterial cultures, which can be found in stores. Why is it worth searching for? Sour milk is an easily digestible and nutrient-rich source of lactic acid. The live bacterial cultures in sour milk have a very positive effect on the functioning of the intestines and the immune system, as they improve the function of the immune system. Sour milk is worth reaching for when you have digestive issues. It increases the secretion of digestive juices and bile and positively affects the pancreas. This milk stimulates the appetite, but it has very few calories on its own.

Better not to forget about this delicacy.
Better not to forget about this delicacy.© Adobe Stock

this is how grandma used to make it

Many homes prepare pancakes with sour milk. They are delicious, quick, and fluffy, thanks to this dairy ingredient. They taste great even with just powdered sugar, but seasonal fruits will always be a great addition. I have a tried-and-tested recipe for them that my grandma passed on to me.

pancakes with sour milk


  • 200 ml of sour milk,
  • 1.5 cups of wheat flour,
  • 2 eggs,
  • 2 tablespoons of oil,
  • 1.5 teaspoons of baking powder,
  • Sugar to taste,
  • A pinch of salt,
  • Oil for frying.


  1. Mix the sour milk, eggs, and oil with a mixer or whisk. Then, add the flour sifted through a sieve, baking powder, sugar, and a pinch of salt.
  2. Mix the ingredients again; the batter should be thick.
  3. Heat the oil in a pan. Pour portions of the batter into the pan to form medium-sized pancakes and fry for 2-3 minutes on each side. Drain the pancakes on a paper towel and serve with seasonal fruits.

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