Infographic: How coffee's hidden benefits boost health and productivity
Several studies have concluded that people who drink coffee in reasonable amounts are more focused and productive. At the same time, scientists point out that coffee has antidepressant and anti-inflammatory effects. In addition, it reduces the risk of developing heart disease.
Within about 45 minutes, all the caffeine in a cup of coffee enters the bloodstream. Its effect lasts, on average, for about two hours. Studies also indicate that people who consume caffeine have shorter reaction times, more strength, and better muscle endurance.
Moreover, studies suggest that people who drink three to four cups of coffee daily are less prone to depression.
The results are quite robust, which is almost surprising because you don't think of caffeine as being a potent antidepressant, said Alberto Ascherio from Harvard University.
Scientists also claim that coffee drinkers have a significantly lower risk of developing Parkinson's disease or diabetes.
More than 380,000 people were observed during a 10-year study conducted in the United Kingdom. The results showed that those who drank two to three cups daily had a lower risk of developing heart disease.
Decaf coffee also showed these effects. It turns out that it is not the caffeine that protects our hearts, observes Onet.
The researcher has no doubts. This much coffee can be drunk
It is worth noting that coffee beans undergo fermentation before roasting, resulting in chemical compounds with antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties.
Tim Spector from King's College London said that two to three cups of coffee a day should be considered part of a healthy diet, which is often associated with a healthy gut microbiome.