FoodIngenious method to keep parsley fresh: A kitchen essential

Ingenious method to keep parsley fresh: A kitchen essential

Do you enjoy adding parsley to many dishes but struggle with storing it? Is there a golden method that can be applied here? Let me explain!

To keep parsley fresh, just use this trick
To keep parsley fresh, just use this trick
Images source: © Licensor | Pyszności

Fresh parsley is an indispensable ingredient in any kitchen. It enhances the flavour of numerous dishes, including soups, sauces, and meals with meat, fish, and vegetables.

Although at first glance it may seem easy to handle parsley, a closer look reveals a particular challenge.

How to keep parsley fresh for longer?

The main issue with parsley arises during storage. Of course, the goal is to keep it fresh for as long as possible. Is this even achievable?

As it turns out, much like with fresh fruits and vegetables, there are tricks to extend the shelf life of parsley significantly. If you're an avid fan of fresh parsley, you need to know this ingenious method.

The jar and water trick

Properly securing parsley doesn’t require any special skills. You’ll need two jars—one larger and one smaller, a lid (that fits the larger jar), and water.

This patent will stay with you for longer
This patent will stay with you for longer© Licensor | Pyszności

First, place the lid that fits the large jar on your kitchen counter to keep parsley fresh for longer. Then, fill the small jar directly on this surface with water. Put fresh parsley in the small jar, then cover the setup with the larger jar, ensuring it’s tightly sealed. Your homemade construction to prolong the life of your parsley is now ready.

Store the secured parsley in the fridge. Thanks to this method, nothing will go to waste in your kitchen again. Additionally, fresh parsley will always be at your fingertips to enhance the flavour of any dish.

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