Injured moose in Russia turns tables on hunters and attacks
Shocking footage from a hunt has circulated on social media, showing an injured moose turning from prey into an attacker. The video depicts the animal charging at a hunter, almost trampling him, while his companions helplessly try to assist.
According to the Daily Mail, the terrifying footage was recorded in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) in Russia. The video shows two hunters approaching the moose with weapons in hand. One of them shoots the animal. The injured moose then attacks the hunter, striking him with its antlers and hooves.
The man lying on the ground tried unsuccessfully to defend himself. The film shows the second hunter hesitating before taking a shot, perhaps fearing the animal would turn against him or harm his companion. The third man, filming inside a vehicle, attempted to scare off the enraged moose.
Local media did not reveal whether the injured hunter sustained severe injuries or required medical assistance after the attack.
The moose (Alces alces) is the largest species in the deer family and one of the largest terrestrial mammals in North America, Europe, and Asia. Although the moose's antlers and velvet are used in traditional medicine in some parts of Asia, the animal is primarily hunted as game.
This isn't the first instance of a moose attack
This is not the first time a moose has attacked a hunter. Three years ago in the state of Oregon, USA, 66-year-old Mark David from Hillsboro was fatally wounded by an enraged moose. The shot did not kill the animal, and the hunter failed to locate it before nightfall.
The 66-year-old decided to search for the wounded moose the following morning. He set out with the property owner to find the moose. The animal was still alive. David attempted to kill the moose with a bow shot, but the enraged animal charged at the hunter and struck him in the neck with its antlers. The property owner tried to help, but the wound proved fatal, and the man died.