Inside cells: A new frontier for natural antibiotics
Scientists from the Weizmann Institute of Science in Israel have made groundbreaking discoveries about the immune system. The researchers focused on proteasomes, which produce natural antibiotics.
- We discovered a novel mechanism of immunity that is allowing us to have a defence against bacterial infection. It's happening throughout our body in all the cells, and generates a whole new class of potential natural antibiotics - said Prof. Yifat Merbl, one of the study's authors.
Proteasomes and their new role
Researchers concentrated on proteasomes previously known for breaking down old proteins. However, they have now been found to perform an additional function: producing defensive peptides derived from the proteasome (PDDP). These natural antibiotics damage bacterial cell membranes, destroying them. Importantly, PDDP is selective and does not harm the host's body cells.
In laboratory experiments and studies on mice with pneumonia and sepsis, PDDP demonstrated effectiveness comparable to some antibiotics.
Prof. Daniel Davis from Imperial College London described the discovery as highly exciting, highlighting that it reveals a previously unknown mechanism. He noted that the production of antimicrobial molecules within human cells is significant and unexpected.
Experts emphasize that the discovery could have significant practical implications. PDDP could inspire new antibacterial therapies that effectively combat infections and reduce the risk of antibiotic resistance.
Dr. Lindsey Edwards from King's College London described the discovery as a potential source of new antibiotics. She pointed out that while such compounds were traditionally found by analyzing soil, this research suggests they may already exist within the human body.
Scientists caution that research on this issue will continue for years to come.
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