NewsIntruder's failed fence climb triggers swift Secret Service action

Intruder's failed fence climb triggers swift Secret Service action

A man dressed in black attempted to climb the White House fence, prompting an immediate response from the Secret Service. The incident was captured on video by a tourist.

Images source: © PAP, X
Paweł Buczkowski

The man was spotted climbing the fence on the south side of the White House complex. When he reached the top of the fence, Secret Service agents immediately ran towards him. A random person touring the area around the residence of the U.S. President recorded the entire event.

The climber got stuck on the spikes at the top of the fence, then changed his mind and began climbing down. As soon as he reached the ground, he was surrounded by agents. The New York Post reported that a tourist from Oklahoma who filmed the entire incident described it as “surreal. "

The man's identity and motives remain unknown. The White House complex is protected by uniformed officers, special agents, and advanced security systems. It is unclear if the man will face any charges.

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