Life-threatening allergy: Young model's battle with aluminum
Gracie Pfaff is a model and founder of a charitable organization. The 22-year-old from the United States strives to lead an everyday life. However, her unusual condition means she has to be careful about what and how she eats. Gracie's skin cannot come into contact with most everyday items.
At the age of 16, Gracie experienced firsthand what a severe allergy and anaphylactic shock mean. Her body had already shown signs of allergies. However, symptoms like rashes or hay fever were not too troublesome.
The situation changed drastically six years ago during a vacation with her family. Gracie experienced a life-threatening anaphylactic shock, all because of... a bag of chips.
Just a few minutes later, my hand started blowing up like a balloon, then my lips doubled in size and my eyes were swollen shut - she recounted to journalists from the portal "Need To Know."
A woman allergic to aluminum
After a series of visits to numerous specialists and comprehensive tests, it turned out that the woman was allergic to... aluminum. This element is almost everywhere. Gracie's shock occurred when her skin came into contact with the aluminum lining of the chip bag. The 22-year-old has to be constantly vigilant.
I have to completely avoid foil and some kitchen utensils daily. I have to be really vigilant about what my body comes into contact with – said Gracie Pfaff.
Her body reacts to any contact with the allergenic element. The woman must check every food label for "hidden aluminum additives." Selecting daily cosmetics requires careful screening. Gracie also has to use water filters.
If I ingest it, my throat, lips, and eyes swell. If I touch it, I get hives and swelling. Even low-level exposure can cause problems like brittle hair and nails, as well as a feeling of fatigue - the 22-year-old summarized her allergy.
Increased awareness about allergies
The woman always carries antihistamines in case of an adverse reaction. She insists that there needs to be greater awareness about allergies. Therefore, she shares her daily life and struggles with allergies on social media.