Entertainmentlily allen splits with david harbour amid cheating scandal

lily allen splits with david harbour amid cheating scandal

Recently, it came to light that Lily Allen has split up with David Harbour. The reason? His infidelity, which she uncovered online. The singer does not shy away from exposing the secrets of their relationship.

Lily Allen
Lily Allen
Images source: © Licensor | KEVY

David Harbour is an actor who gained substantial popularity for his role as Hopper in the Netflix mega-hit “Stranger Things.” In 2020, it was revealed that he and the British singer (who claims she put her career on hold for her children) were a couple. Nothing hinted at a crisis until the revelation of Harbour's unfaithfulness emerged.

Apparently, he was meeting potential lovers on a dating app, the same one where he met Lily earlier. The media were buzzing with news that the singer turned into a real detective, attempting to prove that her partner was cheating. She set up an account on the app under a false identity and searched for Instagram accounts of users to check if David was following them there. Ultimately, the two have not been a couple since December of last year.

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arguments over AI

Now, media following their breakup note that a few months ago, Allen mentioned troubles in her podcast. For instance, in the summer she did not hesitate to mention that her partner suggested some rather risqué sex, but she always refused.

A few months later, just before the breakup, she talked about arguing with him using artificial intelligence.

“I use Chat GPT more for personal matters,” she explained. “If David and I had an argument and I need to express it, I’ll say something like, ‘Write me a long text message about an argument that started with the dishwasher and ended with us arguing about our finances.’”

She also shared the tips she uses to give responses a more personal touch, explaining: “That's great, but can you add something about how, in my opinion, it’s all related to his mom?” Just copy and paste every sentence.

Interesting, did the breakup also happen through a messenger and artificial intelligence?

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