Lung cancer warning: Striking symptom visible on the face
Lung cancer is one of the most common and aggressive cancers. The most characteristic symptoms include coughing, shortness of breath, and coughing up blood. Specialists point out that another symptom could be a swollen face.
Statistics show that lung cancer affects about 21,000 Canadians annually. In the United Kingdom, the number of cases is around 47,000 annually. It is a common cancer affecting more and more people.
Clear symptoms of lung cancer appear only in the advanced stages of the disease. Oncologists note that even in the early phase, symptoms can be invisible. Interestingly, they often appear in very unusual places.
Lung cancer visible on the face? An unusual symptom
Early symptoms of lung cancer may be noticeable on the face. According to specialists, many people mistakenly believe a swollen face results from an allergic reaction. However, this is not always the case. In some cases, it can be a sign of developing cancer. The superior vena cava, which transports blood from the upper part of the body to the heart, is located near the chest area. Its obstruction can lead to facial swelling.
Disrupted blood flow is often the result of pressure from lung cancer on the superior vena cava or lymph nodes in the chest area. This leads to barely noticeable symptoms of a deadly disease. Observing the face is, therefore, very important.
Facial swelling is a visible and often overlooked symptom of this condition. Experts warn that swelling can also appear on the neck, prompting immediate medical consultation. In case of doubts, we should not delay consulting a doctor.
A relatively unusual symptom of lung cancer is also chronic headaches. Some people also experience significant difficulties in swallowing, and as the cancer grows, hoarseness may appear.