Marine Le Pen's rise marks a new era in French politics
Exit poll results after the parliamentary elections in France indicate that the party associated with Marine Le Pen received the most support. Today, she is a prominent figure in the country, though in the past, she mainly stood in the shadow of her father, a politician.
It looks like a new era is dawning in France. An exit poll after the first round of the parliamentary elections there indicates that the far-right National Rally received the most support. Its "face," Marine Le Pen, has been assuring for weeks that she is ready to take power. Therefore, Emmanuel Macron's political future seems quite uncertain.
Marine Le Pen in archival photos. This is how she looked many years ago
What will France's political landscape look like now, and will the high support for the National Rally also have consequences for our country? We will indeed find out soon. Although Le Pen is in the media spotlight today, years ago, she remained somewhat in the shadow of her well-known father, a politician.
Jean-Marie Le Pen, who we're talking about here, was known for his very controversial views, and many still accuse him of anti-Semitism and racism. His daughter distances herself from his past statements and even excludes him from party activities. She also changed the party's name to avoid negative connotations. As we can see, this move appears to have been successful.
Privately, Le Pen is one of three daughters of a politician and wasn't always drawn to this field of life. She is a lawyer by education and pursued a career in this field in the past. Because her father was a prominent figure, she sometimes appeared publicly by his side in her youth. Thanks to this, we know how she looked in her younger years.
In one archival photo, Marine is only 18 years old; in another, she is photographed beaming right after becoming a lawyer. It's hard not to notice that Le Pen has remained faithful to her blonde hair, which has become her trademark today.
See how she once looked. Has she changed a lot?