Mastering the art of perfect potato pancakes
Potato pancakes seem very simple to make. Just mix a few ingredients and fry. They don't always turn out crispy, thin, and, above all, not too greasy. What should you remember to make perfect pancakes? Several rules guarantee success. One of them concerns the type of fat you use.
Potato pancakes have a large group of fans. Everyone makes them a little differently; these are often family recipes. They are also served in various ways. Some people love the sweet version with cream and sugar, while others prefer the savoury version. Regardless of how you serve them, they should always be well-fried and not dripping with fat.
Potato pancakes - oil or lard?
One of the biggest culinary mistakes is making gummy and greasy pancakes. Often, the fault lies with improper frying. It is known that for the pancakes to be tasty, they must be fried in well-heated fat. Usually, we choose vegetable oil for this. However, many chefs claim that it's much better to opt for... lard. It handles heating well, and the pancakes don't absorb too much fat. They are then crunchier. What do you think? Do you fry pancakes in oil or lard?
What else to keep in mind
- Choose the right potatoes. They should be starchy, preferably type B, with a high starch content. This way, they won't absorb too much fat, and the pancakes will be crispy. The older the potatoes, the better. They contain the most starch, then. Young potatoes are delicious, but they're not suitable for pancakes.
- Grating potatoes is essential. If you do it on a fine grater, the pancakes will be soft and delicate, and most water will be removed from the mixture. Potatoes grated on larger holes guarantee crunchier pancakes, and you won't need flour for them. It's worth preparing a mixture of finely and coarsely grated potatoes.
- Add starch. It's always essential to squeeze the grated potatoes well. This is best done using a fine sieve. In addition to water, a white substance, starch, will separate. Adding it to the pancake dough will make it crunchier.
- A trick with dairy. In many recipes, thick cream is one of the ingredients. It makes the pancakes more creamy and prevents the potatoes from darkening. Cottage cheese is another dairy addition to potato pancakes. Pancakes with it are much softer.
- A few spices. The pancake dough needs to be seasoned with salt and pepper. If you like more distinct flavours, you can also use garlic.