Morning habits to boost energy: What to do and avoid
How we start the day is extremely important. The morning can influence our energy and well-being for the next few hours. Unfortunately, many people make mistakes in the morning that later make them feel unwell.
For many of us, the morning means struggling with sleepiness, rushing, and lacking energy. Often, even after eight hours of sleep, we wake up tired and dream of being able to return to bed.
Is there a way to wake up with more energy and a better mood? Doctors and specialists have some simple but effective advice.
Avoid hitting snooze – it's a trap
One of our biggest mistakes is hitting the snooze button to sleep a few more minutes. Although tempting, it can harm our bodies and disrupt our daily rhythm.
According to Timothy Morgenthaler, a sleep expert cited by Health Guide, those "extra minutes" can actually make us feel even more tired upon waking up. Short naps prevent us from going through a full sleep cycle, resulting in waking up during the deep sleep phase, making us feel more sluggish instead of refreshed.
Coffee right after waking up? Not necessarily!
Another morning habit that doesn't necessarily boost energy is reaching for coffee right after bed. Although many people count on an immediate energy boost, studies show that coffee consumed too early can have the opposite effect.
Cortisol levels – the stress hormone responsible for the body's natural alertness – are high enough in the morning that additional caffeine stimulation can only deepen the feeling of tiredness. When cortisol levels drop, it's best to plan your coffee later, around 10 AM EST.
Water, sunlight, and breakfast
The morning is the perfect time to meet the body's natural needs. One of the first steps after waking up should be to open the windows and let daylight into the room. Sun rays boost serotonin production, improving mood and motivation to act.
The next important step is hydrating the body. After a whole night without fluids, our bodies need water to start functioning properly again. Drinking a glass of water immediately after waking up can help improve metabolism and increase energy.
Let's not forget about eating! Often, we skip breakfast due to a lack of time or appetite, which unfortunately results in a drop in energy throughout the day. Experts recommend having the first meal within 30 minutes of waking up. A healthy, balanced breakfast provides the body with essential nutrients and supports metabolism, helping us function better for the rest of the day.