LifestyleNatural defenses: Using acorns to repel household spiders

Natural defenses: Using acorns to repel household spiders

These small creatures can be not only unpleasant, but their presence gives many people chills. If you want to effectively banish spiders from your home, use this method.

With their help, you will get rid of spiders from the house.
With their help, you will get rid of spiders from the house.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

In the fall, spiders search for a warm and safe place to live. At this time, males emerge from their hiding spots in search of females, which often leads them into our homes. For many of us, this is not pleasant. There is a great way to get rid of this problem. You'll only need... acorns!

Collect them on a walk and get rid of spiders

Acorns are extraordinary treasures of nature. They are not only charming but also have practical uses in fighting spiders. If you want to get rid of them, try placing a few acorns on the windowsill. Place them in small bowls or simply scatter them loosely. Spiders dislike their smell. With this simple method, you'll create a natural barrier against unwanted tenants.

A huge advantage is that acorns in the fall will also serve a decorative function. However, remember to regularly replace them with fresh ones to maintain full effectiveness.

Simple tricks are the most effective

You can also try other proven methods for a better effect. A solution of water with a few drops of peppermint, tea tree, or lavender oil will be helpful. Spray the areas where spiders most often appear and won't return.

You can also use vinegar. This kitchen ingredient repels spiders and insects. Dilute it with water and use it as a spray. Spray windowsills and corners of rooms. The intense smell will effectively get rid of them.

Few people realize how important it is to close windows at night. Spiders most often enter the house this way. However, not everyone likes to sleep in a tightly closed room. If you frequently keep windows open and like to air out the apartment for hours, you should consider securing windows and doors with protective screens.

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