LifestyleNatural remedies for cracked lips: Honey's healing touch

Natural remedies for cracked lips: Honey's healing touch

Cracked lips are a problem that affects many people, especially during the winter. Fortunately, natural methods can quickly restore comfort. How can you make your lips look perfect?

How to care for chapped lips?
How to care for chapped lips?
Images source: © Getty Images | Evgen_Prozhyrko
ed. ORY

Cracked lips often result from exposure to unfavourable weather conditions, such as cold wind and frost. These elements can cause minor damage to the lip skin, leading to discomfort and often pain. This issue is even more noticeable during the fall-winter season when the air becomes drier.

Besides the impact of weather, lips can crack due to a deficiency of vitamins from the B and A groups and skin conditions. Frequently licking lips and using moisturizing creams instead of protective balms can exacerbate the problem. If the issue occurs frequently, consulting a specialist is advisable.

Honey – a natural remedy for cracked lips

One of the most effective home remedies for cracked lips is honey. This natural product not only moisturizes but also has antibacterial properties. Before bedtime, it's worth applying a thick layer of honey to the lips and leaving it on overnight. This allows the skin to begin regenerating, and by morning, the lips will look much better.

It's advisable to perform this treatment systematically until symptoms completely subside. Honey will not only help moisturize but also reduce skin damage. After the treatment, lips will be regenerated and regain a healthy appearance.

Besides using honey, it's worthwhile to perform a sugar lip scrub regularly. You can make it at home by mixing a teaspoon of sugar or coffee with olive oil or honey. Gently massage the mixture into the lips to exfoliate dead skin cells and restore smoothness and softness to your lips.

How to prevent lip cracking?

To prevent lips from cracking again, adopting a few daily habits is a good idea. Even in winter, remember to stay hydrated – drinking plenty of water, herbal teas, and fresh fruit juices, including the lips, supports skin health. When the temperature drops significantly, don't forget to use protective lip balms that create a barrier against harmful factors and retain moisture on the skin's surface.

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