EntertainmentNew dental trend sparks outrage: Teeth filing at home goes viral

New dental trend sparks outrage: Teeth filing at home goes viral

On social media, there was a buzz after the publication of shocking footage by a foreign beautician. Anyssa Taylor, known as "makeupby_anyssa," decided to file her teeth. Is this dangerous trend making a comeback?

A TikToker filed her teeth down. Is the dangerous trend making a comeback?
A TikToker filed her teeth down. Is the dangerous trend making a comeback?
Images source: © TikTok

Filing teeth is a dental procedure that involves gently sanding down the surface of the teeth to improve their shape or length or to even out irregularities. It is most commonly done for aesthetic reasons, to give teeth a more symmetrical and attractive appearance.

Filing teeth may be used in cases of minor damage, such as small cracks or enamel irregularities. The procedure is relatively simple, painless, and does not require anesthesia. However, it is important to remember that teeth filing should only be performed by a qualified dentist to avoid damaging the teeth and to maintain oral health.

She filed her teeth at home

Anyssa Taylor, known by the pseudonym "makeupby_anyssa," is an American TikToker. She runs beauty content online, recording videos where she tests various trends and showcases her makeup. The influencer is a licensed beautician offering beauty services in California.

The TikToker published a video that outraged many internet users. She decided to file her teeth. At first, she used a nail drill. Unfortunately, the result did not satisfy her, so she tried a nail file. In the video description, she admitted: "after everything, I called my dentist." Teeth filing was a real hit on the internet a few years ago. Many tried to even out their teeth by themselves and save a lot of money. In most cases, it ended up requiring an even more expensive visit to the dentist.

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