LifestyleNew Zealand girl born with unique "unicorn horn" birthmark draws attention

New Zealand girl born with unique "unicorn horn" birthmark draws attention

A few months ago, a girl was born in New Zealand with an unusual birthmark on her forehead. The parents of little Lulu Burt refer to the birthmark as a "unicorn horn," but they do not intend to remove it. It is quite a rare condition.

Claire Burt gave birth to a special baby. Lulu has a birthmark on her forehead.
Claire Burt gave birth to a special baby. Lulu has a birthmark on her forehead.
Images source: © Instagram | life_of_a_binge_eater_

Lulu was born in September 2023 in New Zealand by cesarean section. Her unique birthmark, which the parents call a "unicorn horn," is a rare condition. Indeed, it has nothing to do with an actual unicorn.

As Claire Burt revealed on her Instagram profile, it is a congenital melanocytic nevus that occurs once in about every 50,000 births. The woman also explained that there's a risk that over time, the birthmark could turn into melanoma, although it's unlikely in Lulu's case. Nevertheless, proper care and regular checks by specialists are paramount.

Child with a "unicorn horn" - Claire Burt talks about people's reactions

The girl's mother is very active on social media. Nearly 40,000 people follow her profile on Instagram, where she often posts photos and videos with her daughter.

“People always stare at her when we're outside the house. Some think it's cute, others inquire about it, and a few laugh,” said Claire Burt in an interview with the British website "The Sun".

The girl's mother deals with hate

Claire Burt also talked about the offensive comments she has to deal with online. Internet users mock the appearance of her child. They also suggest that the mother remove the birthmark. However, she is against it, stating she'll only consider it if it becomes a medical necessity. “It drives me crazy, but I will continue to spread awareness about Lulu. We'll make sure she knows how beautiful and unique she is when she grows up,” she declared in an interview with "The Mirror". Claire hopes that her daughter will take pride in her body in the future.

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