LifestylePassenger skirt restrictions with hidden baggage trick

Passenger skirt restrictions with hidden baggage trick

"Tough times, tough solutions," - declares one of the passengers of a budget airline. She demonstrated a creative way to avoid charges for excess baggage. Although the idea proved effective, it is sparking controversy.

She found a way to deal with the airlines.
She found a way to deal with the airlines.
Images source: © Adobe Stock, TikTok | @sarasloureiro
Agnieszka Woźniak

In today's world, air travel comes with many challenges, one of which is restrictive baggage regulations. Airlines are known for their strict limits and high surcharges, which drives passengers to be innovative.

This ingenuity led to a woman being hailed as a "genius" after she revealed a way to carry extra baggage on board for free.

Hid baggage under her dress

Sara Loureiro, a popular TikTok user, shared the story of her friend Nina on her profile. Nina managed to take four bags on her vacation, paying only for one.

In the recording, which quickly gained popularity, Nina is seen in a long black dress and silver cowboy boots at the airport. At first glance, she seems to adhere to all the airline's baggage requirements.

The truth comes out when the Ryanair passenger lifts her dress, revealing she is wearing three bags underneath. She hid them to stay utterly unnoticed by the airport staff.

© TikTok | @sarasloureiro

"Tough times, tough solutions" – comments Sara, highlighting how creativity and a bit of courage can help avoid extra baggage fees.

Passengers' creativity knows no bounds

Nina's idea worked because, during airport security checks, you can have any number of personal bags with you. The key to success was putting additional bags under the dress just before boarding the plane. This way, she bypassed the strict baggage limits imposed by the airlines.

© TikTok | @sarasloureiro

The video quickly gained popularity on TikTok, gathering thousands of likes and comments. Internet users admire the author's creativity, and some say they will try this method during their travels.

However, there is no shortage of critical voices pointing out that such actions can be seen as cheating and may potentially lead to stricter baggage regulations by airlines. This has happened before with pillows, where passengers stuffed excess baggage, ultimately leading the carrier to ban them on board.

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