EntertainmentPippa Middleton's estate path closure ignites local discord

Pippa Middleton's estate path closure ignites local discord

Pippa Middleton is rarely involved in social scandals. British media now report that the sister of Duchess Kate recently upset neighbours living near her multimillion-dollar estate.

Pippa Middleton upset her neighbors
Pippa Middleton upset her neighbors
Images source: © Getty Images

Pippa Middleton gained fame as a bridesmaid during Kate and William's wedding in 2011. Since then, the tabloids have regularly reported on her activities.

Compared to her sister, Pippa leads a relatively quiet life. In 2017, she married James Matthews, an investment fund manager. The couple has three children. However, Pippa and James have allegedly become the protagonists of a neighbourhood "scandal." What disrupted their idyll?

The sister of Duchess Kate is at odds with neighbours

According to the Daily Mail, Pippa Middleton and James Matthews found themselves at the centre of a local conflict with village residents after they decided to close a path running through their estate, Barton Court, in Berkshire. Let's note that this refers to an approximately 25 million CAD mansion with "30 rooms." The family moved there in 2021.

The mentioned path was previously accessible to residents because the former owner, Sir Terence Conran, allowed neighbours to use it freely. However, the new owners put up signs indicating "no entry" and "private property," which caused dissatisfaction among the local community.

Pippa Middleton's neighbourhood conflict

Village residents express outrage at the couple's decision, claiming that their action damages local relations and creates a sense of separation. Pippa and James are criticized for lacking openness towards the local community and for introducing a division that, according to some residents, contradicts the spirit of kindness nurtured by Sir Conran.

The neighbourhood conflict has recently become a hot topic in the British media.

Do you think Pippa and her husband will change their minds?

Pippa Middleton with her husband James
Pippa Middleton with her husband James© Getty Images | 2019 UK Press Pool
Pippa Middleton with her husband James
Pippa Middleton with her husband James© Getty Images | 2019 UK Press Pool
Pippa Middleton with her husband James
Pippa Middleton with her husband James© Getty Images | 2019 UK Press Pool

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