NewsPope Francis: A humble journey through his roman routine

Pope Francis: A humble journey through his roman routine

Franciszek has had a strong connection to Rome for years. He visited the city both before his election as Pope and after assuming the role of head of the Holy See. During this time, he discovered favourite spots and met people who now support him with their prayers.

Pope Francis
Pope Francis
Images source: © Getty Images | 2022 Antonio Masiello
Mateusz Domański

Among those praying for Pope Francis's health is his optician, Alessandro Spiezia. - The pope is by now a friend, a beloved person for me, not a customer, he said in an interview with The Associated Press.

Francis was known for his spontaneous visits to the optical shop on Via del Babuino, near Piazza del Popolo. Each time he visited for new eyeglass lenses, it generated great interest among both Romans and tourists.

Since being elected Pope in 2013, he has visited several times, arriving in a simple Ford or Fiat, with modest security. He always warmly greeted those gathered.

The Associated Press reports that Pope Francis also has favourite ice cream flavours. He enjoys sweet treats at the Domus Sanctae Marthae in the Vatican.

The ice cream shop owner, Sebastián Padrón, an Argentine who runs his "ice cream workshop" right next to Santa Marta, revealed that the Pope has a particular fondness for dulce de leche ice cream, a traditional Argentine caramel dessert.

He called me on the phone after COVID to invite me. He wanted to meet me since he had been eating our ice cream for a few years. We went with my family, we talked to him for a long time. A very nice meeting, very friendly, very simple, as if we were neighbors and as if we had known each other our whole lives - disclosed Padrón.

When the Pope was admitted to the hospital, he sent him a message wishing him a speedy recovery.

After we came to know of the hospitalization we sent him our greetings, and as he always says, we must pray for him, - he emphasized.

From the beginning, he opted for simplicity

Also, the Vatican tailor, Raniero Mancinelli, who sold Francis his simple pectoral cross, closely follows the news about the Pope's health condition.

We are all saddened and we all pray for the recovery of the pope, - he said, quoted by The Associated Press.

Before Francis's election, papal dignitaries purchased ornately decorated crosses studded with precious stones from Mancinelli. Since Francis assumed office, the style of the clergy has changed - they began to prefer simpler, silver crosses similar to the one the future Pope wore as Archbishop of Buenos Aires.

Francis immediately went on a much simpler and essential style, - Mancinelli says.

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