LifestylePrivacy fence in Idaho sparks debate over neighbour relations

Privacy fence in Idaho sparks debate over neighbour relations

An American carpenter shared on TikTok what his clients requested. It turns out that the family did not want nosy neighbours peering through their fence, so they came up with an idea for an unusual construction.

He showed what he created in the clients' garden.
He showed what he created in the clients' garden.
Images source: © TikTok | byriverpine

It's no secret that neighbourly relations can be problematic. Some people know about neighbourly conflicts only from movies, while others experience them firsthand. A particular family living in Idaho also complained about the lack of good relations with the people living on the other side of their fence. The carpenter from the @byriverpine profile showed a wall that was supposed to provide more privacy for his clients.

He created an unusual construction

The craftsman published a video on TikTok showing the result of his work. In the short clip, he mentioned that the clients initially ordered a traditional fence, but after some time, they decided to request additional construction to help them better separate from their neighbours.

- The client wanted a bit more privacy, so we added these panels. What do you think about it? - he asked in the video.

The carpenter showed how he installed additional square wooden panels on posts, limiting the view of the garden. The entire construction stands close to 2.4 metres in height.

The construction did not appeal to everyone

The new fence received mixed reactions from internet users. Some expressed negative opinions. Others noted that such an action could be perceived as "passive aggression" towards the neighbours. The idea was criticized online, stating that such a fence blocks sunlight. One user also noted that a better solution would have been to plant trees. There were even jokes that the panels should be at least 3 metres high.

"You're blocking your neighbour's sunlight, that's weak," "What's wrong with people? I grew up in a city neighbourhood with a driveway between houses. We waved to our neighbours when each of us was washing the dishes," "I would go crazy if my neighbour blocked my view from the window with wooden panels" - commented the users.

Not long after publishing the first video with the panels, the carpenter added another clip demonstrating seven more posts. The clients most likely decided to increase the number of shields in their garden and requested additional "protections."

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