FoodRegular fridge cleaning: A monthly must for food safety

Regular fridge cleaning: A monthly must for food safety

How often do you clean your refrigerator? Do you remember every nook and cranny? These are really important questions. Only when this appliance is clean is it suitable for storing food. This also helps prevent food from spoiling too quickly.

The fridge needs to be cleaned regularly.
The fridge needs to be cleaned regularly.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

When cleaning the kitchen, we usually focus on washing the outside of the refrigerator. However, cleaning the inside is even more important. After all, this is where we store food so it should be as hygienic and clean as possible. It's worth knowing how to take proper care of the refrigerator.

Not less than once a month

Refrigerators are particularly prone to accumulating bacteria and hazardous microorganisms. They most commonly gather on the shelves and in the bottom drawers, where we keep cold cuts, fruits, and vegetables. We typically clean refrigerators once a month, and it's best not to do it less often.

Regular and thorough interior cleaning can protect food from mould and positively affect the refrigerator's technical efficiency. Additionally, frequent cleaning helps eliminate unpleasant odours that can develop, for example, from smoked fish or blue cheese. It's important to remember that using chemical cleaning agents can harm health and stored food.

What is important when cleaning the refrigerator

Useful items for cleaning the refrigerator are: a soft cloth, cotton swabs or toothpicks, baking soda, vinegar, salt, and lemon juice.

First, you should empty the refrigerator and remove all shelves and drawers, which should be placed in warm water for a moment, then washed with vinegar. At this stage, it's a good idea to throw away expired products. For thorough cleaning, you can unplug the refrigerator and remove mould from the seals and drains using swabs and a water-vinegar mixture. Next, complete the cleaning by washing the inner walls with a solution of baking soda, lemon juice, salt, or vinegar.

Remember the water container hidden behind the refrigerator. You can rinse it with water and vinegar and, if necessary, clear it with a tube. Dirt in the crevices can also be removed using a swab soaked in vinegar and baking soda.

To keep the refrigerator fresh, you can use a coffee and baking soda mixture in a cotton bag or small bowl. This effective solution neutralizes unpleasant odours and adds a pleasant fragrance.

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