LifestyleRestore your laminate floors: Simple homemade shine solution revealed

Restore your laminate floors: Simple homemade shine solution revealed

Laminate flooring is subject to intense use. Walking, scuffing, tapping, and moving things around gradually dull it. However, this does not mean the floors need to be replaced with new ones. There is a way to restore their former shine.

Mix the two ingredients together. You will restore the panels' shine.
Mix the two ingredients together. You will restore the panels' shine.
Images source: © Getty Images | © 2020 Grace Cary

When laminate floors are clean and shiny, they add elegance and freshness to the interior. Over time, however, they lose their aesthetic appeal, becoming dull and covered with fine scratches. Can their original shine be restored? Of course, it can. To achieve this, just use a homemade floor shine solution.

Mix with water and spray the floors

Laminate flooring is a popular choice due to its easy installation, variety of patterns and colours, and attractive appearance. However, everyday use makes it dull over time. Can we restore its former look? Absolutely. There are effective methods for renovating laminate floors.

It turns out that you only need to prepare a homemade shine spray that quickly restores the old shine to the laminate floors. It consists of natural, commonly available ingredients. How to make it? Pour 500 millilitres of water, 100 millilitres of vinegar, and three tablespoons of olive oil into a spray bottle. Close the bottle and shake it thoroughly. To neutralize the smell of vinegar, add a dozen drops of your favourite essential oil.

This prepared liquid is ready to use. Before applying it, thoroughly vacuum and wash the floor. Then spray the floors with the solution and rub it in with a soft cloth. Leave the surface to dry completely. The result? The floors will look like new.

What works best for washing floors?

Store shelves are full of floor cleaning solutions. Which one works best? It's good to choose one that contains oil, such as avocado oil. Thanks to the thin layer of oil, the floors will be more resistant to dirt and beautifully shiny.

You can also prepare a similar homemade detergent. Just mix dishwashing liquid, fragrant oil, and 50 millilitres of olive oil, avocado oil, sweet almond oil, or jojoba oil. Dilute the prepared mixture with water and wash the floors with it. This will make the floor less prone to wear.

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