Rethinking breakfast: Healthier alternatives to deli meats
A sandwich often becomes the go-to option when you're out of ideas for a quick breakfast and the morning rush doesn't allow for lengthy planning. The usual ingredients are bread, butter, ham, cheese, and occasionally a vegetable. However, this may be a straightforward way to impact your health over time negatively.
Sandwiches can be prepared quickly, satisfying a hungry stomach, and packing them to go is generally easy. However, the choice of fillings is crucial. Although deli meats might seem appetizing, excessive consumption is not beneficial for health, as research from a British university corroborates.
Limit processed meat
Research conducted at the University of Cambridge showed that regular consumption of about 60 grams of processed meat daily can increase the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. This is equivalent to two slices, typically one ham sandwich prepared for school or work.
The study considered not only deli meats but all processed meats. Processed meat is products preserved by smoking, drying, salting, or adding preservatives. Examples include ham, bacon, and some sausages and hot dogs.
Extensive research covered 1.97 million adults from 20 countries, including Europe, the Americas, the Eastern Mediterranean, Southeast Asia, and the Western Pacific. The large number of participants from diverse regions makes the study results more representative of the adult population globally. This means the conclusions can be generalized on a larger scale, encouraging everyone to consider reducing processed meats.
According to research published in The Lancet, Diabetes & Endocrinology, daily consumption of a 60-gram portion of processed meat increases the risk of type 2 diabetes by 15 percent over 10 years. For 115 grams of unprocessed red meat, this risk increases by 10 percent.
What to replace deli meats with?
Choose other ingredients instead of placing sliced processed ham in a sandwich again. Cooked and mashed or blended lentils, chickpeas, or beans make delicious spreads for bread. You can add your favourite herbs and spices to them. Try tuna spread, homemade hummus, or mackerel spread. These simple additions also taste amazing.
You can also opt for sautéed tofu, tempeh, eggs, cheeses, cottage cheese, and vegetables. Not only will these replace deli meats, but they will also introduce more vitamins into your daily diet.