NewsRussia ties troops to the battlefield with indefinite contracts

Russia ties troops to the battlefield with indefinite contracts

The British Ministry of Defence reveals that Russian commanders are coercing soldiers into signing indefinite contracts by threatening to send them to perilous frontline areas.

Russians forced to sign contracts. Commanders threaten them
Russians forced to sign contracts. Commanders threaten them
Images source: © East News | Artem Priakhin/SOPA Images/Shutt
Sara Bounaoui

Mobilized soldiers with contracts with specific expiration dates are now compelled to sign new, indefinite contracts. Otherwise, they risk being sent to the front, where the survival rate is only about 10-15 percent.

The reason for these actions is the shortage of experienced soldiers. Since the invasion of Ukraine, approximately 860,000 soldiers have been either killed or injured, severely depleting the number of personnel with the necessary training.

Kremlin's reaction

According to British intelligence, the Kremlin views these measures favourably because they decrease the potential need for further mobilizations, which are unpopular in the country.

The British Ministry of Defence emphasizes that these actions aim to maintain the army's numbers without needing to announce further mobilizations.

Faced with the losses incurred due to the conflict in Ukraine, Russia is trying to keep its armed forces ready, even though many soldiers lack the necessary training.

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