NewsRussian soldiers face brutal retribution for desertion attempt

Russian soldiers face brutal retribution for desertion attempt

Cruel punishment awaits Russian soldiers who decide they no longer want to fight on the front lines of the war with Ukraine. A recording has surfaced online demonstrating how their superiors brutally beat military personnel. The Russians faced torture and were ordered back to the war.

Penalty for returning from the war. This is how Russians treat their own.
Penalty for returning from the war. This is how Russians treat their own.
Images source: © X
Marcin Lewicki

Reported by bloggers specializing in war topics on social media, several Russians decided to return to their country and cease fighting with Ukraine. The soldiers went to Tuva, an autonomous Russian republic near the border with Mongolia.

They quickly regretted their decision. Upon arrival, they were detained and then subjected to brutal torture by other soldiers. They were beaten with batons and tortured using electric stun guns.

Brutal footage online: this is how Russians are treated

Leaving the front did nothing for the Russian soldiers of the 55th Russian brigade. Commanders forced them to return to the war. The military personnel had no choice and must once again fight with Ukraine.

Footage of the incident has emerged online, showing the brutal behaviour of the soldiers' superiors, who did not want to fight with Ukraine. In the background, screams can be heard, along with mocking laughter. Defenceless military personnel are kicked in the face and verbally abused.

This is not the first time the Russian command treats its soldiers like "cannon fodder". Videos occasionally appear online showing how superiors punish their subordinates for "insubordination".

Commanders severely punish attempts to avoid fighting with Ukraine on the front. It has also occurred that Russians have killed their own defenceless soldiers in the very centre of combat to prevent them from being taken captive.

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