Russia's defence industry faces critical shortage of workers
The Russian defence industry has been increasing production for years. However, this sector may soon face the prospect of having to halt further growth due to a lack of specialists in this field. There is talk of up to 400,000 vacancies.
The chairman of the Russian State Duma Control Commission discussed the personnel shortage in the arms industry on Wednesday.
Oleg Morozov stated that the Russian defence industry is projected to face a shortage of approximately 400,000 specialists in the near future, as reported by the Interfax agency.
Morozov attributes this situation to an "excess of students in humanities" and a simultaneous "shortage of students in engineering fields."
Workers have gone to the front: huge staff shortages in Russia
The problem with the lack of workers affects not only the defence industry in Russia. Forced mobilization and the deployment of hundreds of thousands of Russians to the front have caused other, less specialized industries to struggle with a lack of personnel.
For years, a major issue in the Russian labour market has been the low birth rate.