EntertainmentSchwarzenegger debunks emigration claims, aids LA recovery

Schwarzenegger debunks emigration claims, aids LA recovery

A few days ago, a false report emerged claiming that Arnold Schwarzenegger is leaving the United States. However, the former governor of California is not emigrating; on the contrary, he is actively involved in rebuilding Los Angeles, which was devastated by fires.

Arnold Schwarzengger
Arnold Schwarzengger
Images source: © forum

In recent years, Schwarzenegger has become disillusioned with politics. "I don’t really do endorsements. I’m not shy about sharing my views, but I hate politics and don’t trust most politicians," he stated on social media. In an act of frustration, he voted for Kamala Harris as a Republican.

Donald Trump won and has already been inaugurated at 12:00 PM Eastern Time. His opponents had to swallow a bitter pill. This likely led to the already debunked information that Schwarzenegger intends to leave Hollywood and the USA. Meanwhile, Arnold, as usual, is taking action. Once, as governor, he was responsible for the entire state, but now he is active on a local level. Recently, unable to wait for intervention from the city authorities, he filled potholes in his neighbourhood himself.

Schwarzenegger was also one of the first celebrities to reach into their own pockets to help rebuild Los Angeles after the fires. He donated one million dollars to foundations for this purpose. He also has an interesting proposition for his fans.

"I don’t like when companies or rich people ask their fans to make their donations for them. But I know you want to help. So I had my team design a shirt. 100% of the profits will go to those organizations," he shared on Instagram.

The toll of the fires in Los Angeles is 28 fatalities, 16,000 destroyed properties, and losses exceeding 250 billion dollars (approximately equating to CAD 340 billion).

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