LifestyleSenior intimacy: Study reveals enduring desire among elderly

Senior intimacy: Study reveals enduring desire among elderly

Many people believe that at a certain age, it is inappropriate to have sex. According to the latest research, seniors do not want to give up closeness. "It's the only thing that makes me still feel young," says Stella Ralfini, a 77-year-old expert on tantric sex.

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In the United Kingdom, the company Home Instead conducted an anonymous survey with a thousand respondents of various ages. The study examined whether age influences decisions about giving up bedroom life. It turns out that as many as 54 percent of respondents over the age of 75 want to remain sexually active. Similarly, 51 percent of those aged 66 to 74 share the same sentiment. 

The study also indicated that men want to remain sexually active longer. As many as 74 percent of men expressed a desire to continue their sex lives in old age, compared to only 49 percent of women. Equally interesting were the opinions of Gen Z. Young people openly admitted that even in old age, they would continue having sex. As many as 61 percent of Gen Z members responded this way.

"We make love every two weeks"

Although most respondents admitted that they plan to maintain a sex life, significantly fewer people would like to date in old age. Less than half of the respondents over the age of 55 said they would be interested in seeking love if they were single. On the other hand, the majority of people in all age groups (as many as 60 percent) admitted that maintaining sexual activity would certainly help them uphold good mental health in old age.

Stella Ralfini, a 77-year-old expert on tantric sex, stated in an interview with the "Daily Mail" that intimacy is important at any age.

"It's the only thing that makes me still feel young. I like seeing my lover twice a week. We make love every two weeks, but if we go away for a week, probably a little less frequently," she admitted.

Senior sex? "It's about fun"

Ralfini also added that education about sex and intimacy is important at any age. "It's about fun and finding other ways to achieve orgasm in a way that's comfortable for both," she said. She also pointed out that pleasure can be derived from simply cuddling naked in bed.

Too often, seniors' needs are reduced to health issues, and the messages directed at them focus on diseases and weaknesses. The expert emphasizes that this way of portraying older people leads to viewing them only through the lens of survival rather than enjoying life and experiencing new things.

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