Shocking attack on demobilized Ukrainian soldier captured on video
A video has been released online showing a young man repeatedly hitting a soldier in the town of Smila in the Cherkasy region of Ukraine. What sparked such immense anger in the man?
The victim of this assault was Anatoliy Honcharenko, a resident of Smila and a Ukrainian soldier who served in one of the Special Operations Forces combat units. He was later demobilized for family reasons.
Honcharenko's involvement in the war is evident from his social media profile, which is filled with photos and videos of combat activities and preparations.
At the end of August, Anatoliy Honcharenko posted an update about looking for a car with foreign license plates. According to Honcharenko, the driver of this car caused an accident involving his parents.
The situation escalated further after Honcharenko published this post. A scandalous incident occurred, and in a video shared on the website, Honcharenko is shown being repeatedly struck by a man.
The person assaulting him was likely the driver of the car he was searching for.
An unknown man mocks the soldier and forces him to apologize, claiming Honcharenko "compromised him with all his bravery." In the recording, the kneeling soldier attaches the license plates to the man's car. It turns out that Honcharenko had removed these license plates from the car he was looking for, which led to the conflict.
Shocking scenes in Ukraine. Soldier apologizes to the man
Honcharenko's apologies are also captured in the same video and recorded in another location. In it, he apologizes to the "boys" and claims that his parents were "mistaken." His face shows clear signs of beating.
It's worth noting that the residents of Smila quickly identified the person mocking the soldier and forcing him to apologize. The attacker was Vadim Dolotenko, who has connections to the criminal world.
Another person is seen in the video, who, along with Dolotenko, strikes the soldier. The identity of this second perpetrator remains unknown.