LifestyleSimple hydrogen peroxide conditioner revives orchids effortlessly

Simple hydrogen peroxide conditioner revives orchids effortlessly

Orchids adorn many homes. These are beautiful, albeit finicky flowers that require special care. If you want as many flowers as possible to bloom, prepare this simple conditioner with two ingredients.

Spray this on the orchid roots. You'll thank yourself soon.
Spray this on the orchid roots. You'll thank yourself soon.
Images source: © Adobe Stock

Orchids are a type of perennial plant belonging to the orchid family. There are about 33 different species of these flowers worldwide. Due to their unique appearance, they enjoy unwavering popularity. Unfortunately, they are not the easiest to cultivate. Just one small mistake and all the flowers can fall off.

However, there is a way to prevent this. Just prepare a homemade conditioner based on a pharmaceutical product you will likely already have at home. Mix it with water and water the orchid, and the plant will delight you for a long time.

Spray the orchid roots. You'll thank yourself quickly

If you notice that your orchid is not blooming as lushly as usual or its leaves are losing their intense colour, reach for a remedy you can find in any pharmacy. You might already have it in your home. It’s about hydrogen peroxide.

This substance is highly effective in combating fungal and bacterial diseases that frequently attack orchids. It is worth using during repotting when you see traces of pest activity or early signs of rot on the roots. In such cases, you need hydrogen peroxide with a three percent concentration. Simply pour it into a spray bottle and spray the plant's roots before transferring them to a new pot.

Mix with water and water the orchid. It will shower with flowers

If you notice that, for unknown reasons, the orchid has stopped growing, prepare a simple conditioner that will stimulate the plant to bloom. As in the previous case, you need hydrogen peroxide. Mix it in a 1:4 ratio of water, and pour the prepared solution directly into the soil. Repeat this procedure every two weeks; after some time, you will notice the orchid showered with flowers.

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