NewsSlovak parliament tension: Possible EU and NATO exit debate stirs

Slovak parliament tension: Possible EU and NATO exit debate stirs

The Vice-Chair of the Slovak Parliament, Tibor Gašpar, one of Prime Minister Robert Fico's closest associates, admitted on Friday evening on the state television station STVR that the country might consider exiting the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. This suggestion was rejected by President Peter Pellegrini.

Tibor Gašpar
Tibor Gašpar
Images source: © PAP | Ondrej Deml
Przemysław Ciszak

Gašpar is also the Vice-Chairman of the strongest ruling coalition party, Direction – Slovak Social Democracy (Smer-SSD), and was a member of the official parliamentary delegation which was in Moscow for three days at the beginning of the week.

On TV, he said that for Smer, leaving the EU or NATO is not currently a priority or goal of action. However, he stated that "the door should be left open for situations where we might consider extreme solutions."

It stirred up the country

Gaszpar's declaration met with a quick response from the coalition partner, the Voice–Social Democracy (Hlas-SD) party, which emphasized its commitment to a "sovereign foreign policy," but simultaneously stated: "However, we reject any discussions about a possible Slovak exit from the EU or NATO."

The President of Slovakia, Peter Pellegrini, posted on social media a fragment of the memorandum signed in September 2024 by the Prime Minister, the President, and the Acting Speaker of the Parliament, in which the highest-ranking politicians in the state declared that they will support unquestionable membership in the EU and NATO.

Fico, who visited Moscow on December 22 and spoke with President Vladimir Putin at the Kremlin, declared two weeks later that he wants a new declaration on the directions of Slovakia's foreign policy. He argued that a debate on this topic is needed due to the rise in the EU of opinions different from those promoted by Brussels.

Opposition parties, on the other hand, want a strong confirmation of Slovakia's membership in the EU and NATO. One of them, Freedom and Solidarity (SaS), stated on Friday that a provision about the EU and NATO should be included in the constitution.

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