TechSwedish "gold": How the Strv 122 aids Ukraine's fight

Swedish "gold": How the Strv 122 aids Ukraine's fight

It's been over two years since the start of the war in Ukraine. During this time, the Armed Forces of Ukraine have gained experience and knowledge about various models of Western equipment, including tanks. Ukrainians believe that one of the best tanks in the fight against the Russians is the Swedish main battle tank, the Strv 122, based on the German Leopard 2A5. Let’s take a moment to remind ourselves what these vehicles are.

Strv 122B in the colours of Svenska Armen,
Strv 122B in the colours of Svenska Armen,
Images source: © creative commons attribution-share alike 3.0 unported | Jorchr
Karolina Modzelewska

Apparently, the Ukrainians are satisfied with the Stridsvagn 122 main battle tanks (also known as Strv 122) that Sweden has supplied them. According to Army Recognition service, they consider them to be among the best for fighting the Russian army. This is related to the level of protection these machines provide and their advanced capabilities. For this reason, they are often referred to as "Swedish gold" in the hands of Ukrainians.

Stridsvagn 122 - Swedish gold in Ukraine

Stridsvagn 122, the Swedish equivalent of the German Leopard 2A5, is one of the most modern armoured machines used by the Ukrainian army. Equipped with advanced fire control systems and the TCCS command and control system, the tank has significantly greater operational capabilities than its German predecessor. Thanks to its reinforced hull and more durable fuel tanks, the Stridsvagn 122 can withstand harsh combat conditions.

The main armament of the Stridsvagn 122 is a 120 mm L/44 smoothbore gun, supported by two 7.62 mm machine guns and an 80 mm smoke grenade launcher. The Swedish tank also features an advanced fire suppression system and monitoring systems that significantly enhance its survivability on the battlefield.

The 1,500 horsepower engine in this vehicle allows it to reach speeds of up to 70 km/h, and its range is about 470 km on roads and about 150 km off-road. The Stridsvagn 122 is also equipped with modern Barracuda IR camouflage nets, which reduce its thermal and radar signature, making it harder for the enemy to detect.

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