NewsSwimmers deterred as sea bloom hits Croatian Istria beaches

Swimmers deterred as sea bloom hits Croatian Istria beaches

The portal reports that tourists visiting Croatian Istria, like the residents, are horrified. The beaches are dirty, and slimy clumps and foam floating in the water effectively discourage swimming.

Disturbing images from Croatia. This is what the water looks like!
Disturbing images from Croatia. This is what the water looks like!
Images source: © Getty Images, X
Anna Wajs-Wiejacka

Tourists report a challenging situation in Croatian Istria. Although the local beaches are crowded, few people enter the water. The culprit is the sediment floating on the surface. "The dirt sticks to swimsuits, it is difficult to remove, some try to disperse the foam and dirt, but it doesn't work," says one of the vacationers in an interview with the portal.

Similar reports are coming from different areas of Istria. The same problem is appearing everywhere. It’s about the foam and slimy clumps floating on the water's surface. Scientists indicate that a sea bloom has occurred. The mass development of microscopic, naked-eye-invisible organisms causes this natural phenomenon.

As Eng. Dolores Grilec explains on the Croatian Institute of Public Health website that it occurs under suitable weather conditions, such as higher seawater temperature, increased spring rainfall, and a more excellent supply of nitrogen and phosphorus, which serve as food for phytoplankton.

Croatia. The water is discouraging for swimming, but is there a reason to worry?

Tested samples indicate that the bloom involves species commonly living in the Adriatic Sea, such as Cerataulina pelagica, Pseudo-nitzschia spp., Thalassionema nitzschioides, as well as some dinoflagellate species from the genera Protoperidinum, Prorocentrum, and Gymnodinium.

Scientists reassure us and emphasize that although the water’s changed colour discourages swimming, bathing poses no threat to humans.

Croatian authorities informed that the bloom may pose the biggest problem for fishermen. Until the phenomenon passes, fishermen can expect interruptions in the operation of fishing gear along the entire Istrian coast.

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